Sunday, January 7, 2024


Winter storm Finn is coming our  i The fronts seem to approach from the west ( just like at home) and  and they are proceeded by winds.  Right now by weather machine says " winds of 21 ; gusts up to 27.  But the temp is 50 which is about 15 degrees warmer than yesterday at this time.
   Looking at a weather map, most of the country has been effected except the deep south.  Rain, maybe snow is hinted for tonight/ tomorrow.  ( Would be wonderful ! )
We can love it or at least live with it, of course, but you are much more aware of weather conditions when you are living in a RV.  No matter how fancy the rig, it is still just a " tin box".  
   So I lay here in bed.  Pull the covers up.  And listen to the wind as it blows around  my fifth wheel and wiggles it just a little.
   Maybe it will blow through before I take the boys out for their morning walk.  One of the joys of pet ownership..

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