Tuesday, September 12, 2023


Yodi is our latest foster dog.  We picked him up on Saturday so today is Day Three. He's supposed to be all Dachshund but I think that has somel other genes in him.   That doesn't make him better or worse, it just explains certain physical and emotional traits.
   As you can see he is either very overweight or just has a "hybrid " physiology.I can tell you , he is solid.  He must be close to 30 lbs but he can jump up on our bed which is quite tall.  He must have slept in a human bed in his previous home but that's not allowed in our house.  Part of our job is to give him a stable environment, notice and address any issues, get him into a veterinarian to be checked out and updated.  Oregon Dachshund Rescue has the job of finding him a new forever home.

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