Monday, January 16, 2023

Rain 1.16.2023

   Another Oregon winter day in Arizona.   100% chance of rain.  high of 52 low of 47.  Mondays are a slow day at the site.  Volunteers have the day off.  There are no programs or tours scheduled.  Our supervisor is off as well.  We are free to plan for that day.  Otherwise, our days off are dictated by the activities that are on the monthly schedule.  This week Monday and Thursday we are free, Last week it was Friday, Sunday, Monday.  It totally depends on when the schools have time for a field trip.  I would prefer to have a set schedule, but this is what it is.

   Rain is forecast through Tuesday and we are scheduled to have 80 4th graders on Tuesday and that many Kindergarten students on Friday.  Oh Boy ( sarcasm). The rain is not a problem in itself.  It's just that most of the trails are dirt, caliche to be exact.  Caliche is sort of dirt, mud and clay mixed together.  Wet, it's a greasy mud that sticks to your tires or shoes .  Ruts and footprints are made.  When it dries it hardens like adobe.  Rural dirt roads can be a real problem.  The tires become laden with the mud so they look like clown tires.  Getting stuck is a distinct possibility.  

   The other danger is when folks do not pay attention to the amount of rain that has fallen and drive through dips on the road.  These dips can be full of standing or flowing water.  It doesn't take much following water to wash a vehicle off the road or at least flood it to stall the engine.  Not a good situation to be in.  Every year someone in Arizona is a victim of such an event.  There are signs that warn, "DO NOT ENTER WHEN FLOODED"  They aren't always read.

   So what are we going to do today?  Hmm  Maybe we could go out to a Mexican Restaurant and have a Mexican Coke, with real sugar, not corn syrup like we did on Saturday.

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