Sunday, September 4, 2022

Home in Canby

 After two night at South Beach State Park we traveled Hwy 101 north, stopping at Mo's in Lincoln City for some fish and chips.  Arrived back home about 4:00.  Decided that we had three months to unload so we just emptied the frig, unloaded our Cpaps and just relaxed.  The boys seemed to be excited at being in a house again.  "So much room to run around !"  

  The next day was a blur of activity. Many loads of laundry.  It is so nice to have a separate laundry room so that the piles stay there.  I remember having the laundry out in the garage.  Better than in a hallway or the kitchen . We opened the big slide and to help with the unload and then shampooed the carpet.  After two months at the damp and foggy coast with two dogs, it was needed. 

   The next day I put the trailer into it's space next to the garage.  There is enough room to to open the slide in the bedroom and kitchen.  The big one (living room) can opened about 60% to get to several of the cabinets if needed.  More unloading, closets and the "basement".  Boring stuff for sure. 

  It's nice having a home base.  I like our house.  We will be here until just after Thanksgiving.  But when we do come home there is always work to be done to get the place looking good again.  The sprinkler system did it's job.  The flowers look pretty good.  They need some trimming and cutting but good.  The yard is green, but the weeds are trying to take over.  More work to come.

  Anyway, Randa and I are now residents of Canby.  Living in a three bedroom house like normal folks do.  Sitting in our recliners at night watching movies or HGTV with the boys sleeping nearby.  Pretty much the same as we do when we are in the RV.   Life is good.



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