Wednesday, March 24, 2021


 Finished my taxes this morning.  At least I thought I did.  I spent the extra $25 and e-filed my Oregon taxes as well.  Printed a copy, saved a copy, and stored away all the paperwork in a file folder.  A couple of hours later  I received an email from Turbo Tax saying my taxes were rejected because a tax  account number did not match records.  

   I pulled out the records and rechecked and yes, I had copied the wrong number from one of the 1099R.  So I reopened my form and corrected the error and resent.  Now I wait to hear if my taxes have been accepted.  I will be glad when this chore is behind me.  I have always hated having a major chore, the book report, or remodel, or taxes on the docket.  It will be good to be done with it.

Looking at scenery like this helps me to relax.

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