Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Every Saguaro is different. Each has bumps bruises that are scars of it's difficult life. 
These are really beauty marks. 


Saguaro Face

How did he get in there?


Wednesday, March 24, 2021


 Finished my taxes this morning.  At least I thought I did.  I spent the extra $25 and e-filed my Oregon taxes as well.  Printed a copy, saved a copy, and stored away all the paperwork in a file folder.  A couple of hours later  I received an email from Turbo Tax saying my taxes were rejected because a tax  account number did not match records.  

   I pulled out the records and rechecked and yes, I had copied the wrong number from one of the 1099R.  So I reopened my form and corrected the error and resent.  Now I wait to hear if my taxes have been accepted.  I will be glad when this chore is behind me.  I have always hated having a major chore, the book report, or remodel, or taxes on the docket.  It will be good to be done with it.

Looking at scenery like this helps me to relax.

Cholla Flower

Yesterday we revisited San Ran Mountain Regional Park.  Explored a different trail loop.  It was a long but enjoyable hike.  This is the first Cholla blossom we have seen this season. 

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Morning Feeder Visitor

This Gila Woodpecker is a determined acrobat.


Saturday, March 20, 2021

Black Jaguar

Jaguars can be spotted or black


Wednesday, March 17, 2021


A Cherry Blossom to cheer you up.


One year ago

 A year ago today, St Patrick's Day, at 11:10 am Kartchner Caverns State Park shut down.  Well, tours stopped and activities changed.  It was the beginning of changes that affected all our lives.  And still does. Randa gets her second shot next Friday.  The status of Covid shots is a common conversation among fellow volunteers and visitors.  

A year later and we are still wearing masks.  A year later and we are still acting like hermits. A year later and we are still longing for hugs from family and friends.  We are still wanting to attend sporting events and concerts.  A year later and things are looking up.  I am ready.

Happy St Patrick's Day to you all.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Two Birds

 On my morning walk I was going down the path in the Chihuahua Desert area.  I noticed buds on a Yucca plant. While I was admiring the growth I heard the song of a Cactus Wren/  It was then that I spotted it on top of the bud.  I took out my phone and aimed it at the bird and while I was aiming, a Cardinal stopped by for a brief visit.  I felt myself lucky to be in the right place at the right time.


Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Hike to Arnett Canyon

Don't know what she is photographing
The pass to Arnett Canyon


Prickly Pear Color

 On our hike into Arnett Canyon we enjoyed looking at the desert plants.  Here is Prickly Pear pad that I spotted excited me.  I could not walk past without capturing it with my phone.

The different colors amaze me.  I wonder how this happens. 

The Second Half

It's March 2nd.  We are on the 2nd half of our stint here at BTA.  The irst half has been fun and interesting.  Every day is new.  New people to meet.  New plants to learn about.  Discovering more information about the plants we already are familiar with.  As member of the staff (even as volunteers) we are asked about the flora and fauna of the arboretum.  Randa and I try to learn as much as we can .  Randa spends much of her off time on her phone or the computer doing research on plants and animals.  Lately, she has researched hummingbirds, Verdins, Devils Cholla, and Ocotillo.  I guess we are just curious.

  The arboretum is gearing up for the semi-annual plant sale.  Tables are set up inside and outside and they are filling up with cacti and other desert plants.  The selection is large and amazing.  A busy two week period starting March 12th.  We will be doing whatever is necessary to help take care of the increased visitor load.