Sunday, September 1, 2019

Last day at Bonneville

Today we pack up and leave.  It's been almost 4 months since we pulled in, May 6th if I remember correctly.  Wow the time passed quickly.  When we get to a new location our commitment will 2,3,or 4 months.   A long time, right?  There's a flurry of learning.  Meeting new people.  Adjusting to new time schedules.  Before you know it, you are buzzing along, you got most of it down.  Your feeling comfortable.  And then, yipes, you are almost to the end! 
    That happened again here.  We will miss this place.  A very nice facility.  Good folks to work with.  Interesting location.  LOVE to watch the barges cruise past our spot going in and out of the lock.  Those tug captains are amazing.
   And so we leave Bonneville.  To be home for four months.  At the end of September Randa has her surgery.   A new adventure begins.

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