Friday, August 16, 2019

50 years ago

Yesterday was the 50th anniversary of a significant day.  50 years ago , August 15, 1969, I left for Vietnam.   I left with much trepidation. 
I was leaving my wife of less than 6 months. 
I was leaving the United States of America for a ( literally and figuratively) foreign place. 
I was going to war !
Would I return?
Would I be woulded?

I remember seeing bumper stickers on some of the vehicles on the Marine Base Camp Lejune (North Carolina) and thinking, " I"ll be happy to be back and have a sticker like that on my bumper."

Looking back.  It was not a bad experience for me.  It made me grow up.  It made me a better person.  I know it made me a better Marine. 

49 years ago yesterday I arrived home from Vietnam.
Semper Fi. !

PS. I did not get a bumper sticker because Randa had bought us a brand new 1970 Dodge Dart Swinger and there was no way I was going to put any sticker on that car!

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