Tuesday, July 9, 2019

The Big "C"

   Life's road has bumps and potholes, hills and valleys.   Last week we hit one of those bumps.  Randa had a biopsy of a mass that was discovered last fall and received a call from her doctor. 
 So 17 years to the day after Randa's first chemo she had an appointment with another oncologist.  A new tumor.  Totally different type.  Same breast.  So here we go again.
   Today starts the new adventure.  Actually,  there has been some prep events, MRI, blood drawn, doctor visits, but this morning she gets a " marker" placed in the center of the tumor.  The marker is a small piece of metal about the thickness of a staple maybe 1/4 inch long.   The surgeon knows the size of the tumor from the tests so, tomorrow, will remove it, plus a margin around it. 
    Little procedure today.  Bigger procedure tomorrow.  Both are considered " out patient".

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