Wednesday, February 6, 2019

I'm back

Went in to town today.  Have not been able to get online so I found a computer store in Gilbert, one of the suburbs of Phoenix.  My laptop was showing that I had signal from my Verizon Jet Pack and but nothing would come up.  After checking this and that the tech, Gary, asked me about my virus software.  I told him that I had recently added McAfee.  "Bingo!", he said.  There's your problem.  Can't tell you how many of those Nortons and McAfees I have removed for the same reason.  HE inserted his jump drive he called "The McAfee Sucker" and sucked it out of my machine.  TaDa !  It works again.  Gary said, "You don't need those programs. Window 10 has it's own that work better with Windows.  Makes sense.
  Anyway I'm a happy camper.  Thanks WrightPC in Gilbert, Arizona.

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