Thursday, November 29, 2018

Observations on my walk

   There are two dogs in our family.  Dogs are great!  Always loyal.  Always there at the door wagging their trails, happy to see, when you come home.  But they do require some extra work.  Feeding, petting, and " the walk".    " Walk" is a word that know, along with "outside", "stay" ( sort of),  " come", and the other favorite word, " cookie".
    Getting to the walk.  The boys, Hunter and Quam, love to be with me, but they love to be with me on a walk even more.  The schedule is not "set in stone" but usually early morning (6-7am), followed by breakfast for them and me, 5pm, followed by supper, 9pm, followed by bed and one or two more if they give me enough hints.
    Walks mean new sights and smells.  I think the smelling part is more important part.  Also the walk allows the opportunity to mark the territory.  Some days there seems to be more marking than walking.  So the pace of our walk is leisurely at best with frequent pauses.
      These pauses allows me to observe my neighborhood.  The area is established residential.  Houses, sidewalks, driveways, mowed lawns, and fenced backyards. ( I'll talk about fences at a later date.)  However, nearby is a neighborhood under construction as I write this.  It is part of our "territory" and so is being observed as well.
     Tomorrow I will talk about driveways and what is parked on them.


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