Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Last of Aug

   Thursday and Friday are the last days of August and also the last days of our first month at Cape Blanco.  Saturday, Sept 1st will be an orientation class for new volunteers and and a review for us veterans.  A chance to review the past month and offer comments.
    Labor Day weekend will be busy, but after that, things will slow down a lot.  You can already feel the change.  This past week is the first time since we arrived that the campground has not been full.  September will be even slower.  If the good weather holds it will be strong, but when the rains come, there will be another slowing.  I am not looking forward to the rainy season, but we really need the rain here in Oregon and also the whole west coast.  The fire situation is awful.  Fires are everywhere.  So the wet weather will be welcome.
Randa took these shots.  This one from the west side of the tower.

This is looking up the spiral ladder inside the tower.

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