Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Vashon Island

  This past week-end our Ten Friends group has been staying at a beach house on Vashon Island.  I learned that the pronunciation is Vashon (like fashion ).  Any other pronunciation and you sound like a tourist.  It's a big island.  It feels like San Juan Island.  Rural, lots and lots of vegetation.  Everything grows here.
    Real estate is outrageously expensive.  Houses at a million dollars are common.  The one we stayed at is around $1.5M.   A nice house and a great view.  The Sound was like a giant lake.  But $1.5 M ?  I don't know.  
   I must admit that the family homes that they are putting up just east of here are hovering at $.5 M  so maybe it's a valid price.

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