Thursday, April 26, 2018

We're Done

   Yesterday was our last day of work at LBJ.  It was a busy afternoon.  Four buses.  Tour buses always make for busy moments.  If the bus has 60 passengers, it means 5 tours of 12 (which is the maximum number of folks allowed on a tour) so 50 minutes of time is spoken for.  When added to a full visitor center of regular visitors, it makes for a stressful time for the ranger scheduling tours.
    The weather was sunny until about noon when a cold front bullied it's way south.  I took a group into the house in bright sunlight and 35 minutes later, when I exited, it was cloudy.  Within an hour sprinkles turned to light rain and soon a nice steady rain was blessing central Texas.  Four hours of soft rain.  Tours continued until the end of the day, but a good way to end our tour of duty.
     Today, Randa had a doctor's appointment to remove the stitches in her foot.  We also turned in our uniforms and keys and said good-bye to the office folks.  Then it was back to the ranch and finish packing for the trip.  Most everything is packed.  Satellite was the last to be taken down.
     Tomorrow, we dump the tanks and stow the hoses.  There is always last minute items to be put away.  I will also spray silicone on the slide rails to make them retract easier.  I always cross my fingers when I flip the switches for the slides.  Lets hope everything operates normally in the morning.

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