Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Sunday Morning

   Early Sunday morning I was awakened by distant thunder.  Rumbling and dim flashes in the distance.  I listened for a few minutes and decided that it would be a good idea to take the boys for a walk before the storm arrived.
    As we walked I up toward the Show Barn, I watched the approaching darkness to the southwest.  Flashes were sparking the sky to the southwest and overhead.  Closer and closer the noise and light became.  I decided to turn around the head back to the compound and home.  The got the boys back into the trailer and hurried to take the group of lawn chairs into the laundry shed.  Just as I was leaving it and walking back to the trailer, the pitter-pat of rain drops on the roof increased.  A short rapid walk to the trailer, just in time.  The storm hit.  Slowly at first, as I filled the boys food dishes.  Then the heavens opened up and it RAINED!  It was glorious !  The boys were fed and happy and ready for a nap, so I jumped back in bed to snuggle with my Sweetie and enjoy the thunder and lightening and roar of the rain!   A truly Good Day.

PS  By afternoon, the clouds were gone and the sun was out.

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