Monday, September 18, 2017

Evening Walk

   The other night Randa and I were walking the boys in our neighborhood.  It was after 9 so it was totally dark.  (I hate that the days are getting shorter.)  Anyway as we were walking down the sidewalk, we noticed a guy walking in the street next to the curb on the other side.  I could tell it was a guy because his face was lit by the cell phone that he was staring at while he walked.
   We didn't pay him any further attention until we heard a thud and a grunt from the darkness across the street.  He had run into a trailer that was parked in the street.  Other than his pride, I don't htink he was hurt, but Randa and I had to struggle to keep from bursting out with laughter.  How many folks have I seen walking around staring at their phones.  Too many.  So many things to see and we stare at a 3 inch screen.

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