Friday, September 29, 2017


   It has been a while but I think that I am getting interested in fiber again.  Attending OFFF (Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival) last Saturday helped tip the scales.  With that in mind I attended the Sept meeting of the Aurora Colony Heritage Guild last night.  50+ folks that are into spinning, weaving, knitting, and other fiber-related crafts were there.  So many talented people in one room and me.
Wait for further posts.

A Fall Drive

A drive in the country.  South on the Canby-Marcham Hwy.  Halfway between Canby and Silverton we stopped the car and enjoyed the view of Mt Hood.  A nice day enjoying the sunshine.

Shoe selection

This is what happens when you get dressed in the dark.

Friday, September 22, 2017


                                                     A Poem

The Weather has changed
Fall has fell
The Rain has started
And it's cold as ......

  (anyway, its pretty cold.)

    The rains came last week.  Came with a vengeance.  It was like Mother Nature was tired of all the sunny, dry weather that we have had and was impatient to get back to normal Oregon weather.  The result was lots of rain and temperatures in the 50's and 60's instead of the 80's and 90's.
    Don't get me wrong, we needed the rain.  But I was hoping for a more gradual transition.  Oregon weather has a mind of it's own.
Two Dahlias to remind me of summer.

Monday, September 18, 2017


Hunter is getting a bath at the Greyhound Northwest Annual Picnic last week.                         Enjoying ?  Maybe, but he is the perfect gentleman.

Evening Walk

   The other night Randa and I were walking the boys in our neighborhood.  It was after 9 so it was totally dark.  (I hate that the days are getting shorter.)  Anyway as we were walking down the sidewalk, we noticed a guy walking in the street next to the curb on the other side.  I could tell it was a guy because his face was lit by the cell phone that he was staring at while he walked.
   We didn't pay him any further attention until we heard a thud and a grunt from the darkness across the street.  He had run into a trailer that was parked in the street.  Other than his pride, I don't htink he was hurt, but Randa and I had to struggle to keep from bursting out with laughter.  How many folks have I seen walking around staring at their phones.  Too many.  So many things to see and we stare at a 3 inch screen.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Campfires to Candle Lights

    Last Saturday we volunteered at Fort Vancouver's annual event "Campfires to Candlelight".  It is, by far, their largest event of the year with over an attendance of over 5000.  Stating at the street visitors pass thru areas of World War II, WWI, Civil War, Oregon Trail all with costumed volunteers , tents, accessories, and equipment on their way into the fort.  The fort was set up to be in the Date of Sept 9, 1845.  The buildings were open, costumed volunteers portrayed historic people that would have been in the fort on that day.  This was before the west had become part of the United States.  England still thought that all or part of the Northwest would become English territory.  It was turbulent times for both countries.
    It was a fun event.

Tail light

Do you know what car this is?