Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Tuesday March 21, 2016

   I'm sitting in McD's having what they call breakfast.  Across the street, at Sun Devil Auto, the truck is having an oil change.  It should make it feel better.  After that I will go look for a part for the water heater on the trailer.  I called maybe four RV shops yesterday and none of them answered the phone. Instead I got a message telling me to "leave a message and we will return your call".  No one did, so I need to resume the search today.  I find it hard to believe that business is so good that customer messages aren't important.
    Yesterday, the first day of Spring, was quite warm.  94-97 depending on what thermometer you looked at.  Some folks might call that HOT!  But this is Arizona.  Truthfully, this is warm for Arizona for this time of year,  I still love the sunshine and warmth of the desert climate.  The bloom is in full force right now.  The yellow Poppies are on the down swing but they have been replaced by the yellow of the Brittle Bush.  The hillsides are peppered with yellow color.  In addition, some of the small cacti are starting to flower.  Every time I drive the Ajo Mountain road there are changes in color.  It's fun to see what it is new.

    This Agave is in the process of dying.  But, before that it uses all of it's energy to produce a bloom.  The stalk that is growing up from the center grows at a tremendous rate ( up to 11 inches a day) until it produces a flower along the top of the 10 to 20 ft stalk. The flowers are pollinated by insects and bats and seeds are produced.  In addition the plant sends out runners that produce "pups" nearby.  It is a exciting thing to watch,

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