Sunday, August 14, 2016

The Irish Fair

    The Irish Fair is held every August at Harriet Island park on the Mississippi River in St Paul.  The skyline of the city is across the water.  Lots of wonderful Irish music on at least three venues. (You cannot help but clap or tap your feet.)   Many Irish dance schools were there to show their skills.  It is always fun watching young kids performing, doing their best.
   Lots of green.  Green t-shirts.  Lots of kilts.  Lots of plaid fabric.  Tons of booths selling all sorts of items that you just can't be without.  The fair runs for three days and is totally free.  It is totally run by volunteers.  Hooray for volunteers!!
     The location is spacious and grassy.  People flock in and so parking is difficult.  We parked in an industrial area for $5 but it was at least a half-mile from the site which was difficult for R but she did it without complaining like usual.
    I would have liked to hear the final performing group last night, Gaelic Storm< but we still had to drive to Fairmont (150 miles) so we needed to get on the road.  I bought one of their CDs to play on the way south instead,

    If you ever get a chance to attend the Irish Fair, don't miss it.

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