Sunday, June 7, 2015

Good Bye to a Friend

Friday we said goodbye to a dear friend.  A friend who had lived with us for 10 years; been with us on trips, visited many places, went on many trails,  tramped through miles of woods, walked miles of beaches, and smelled many odorous smells.  But no more.  Friday was the last day for our Mollie. 
After being sick all day, we finally got her into the vet at 3 and after an exam and blood test, we decided that she did not need to suffer any longer and we held her for the last time.

   Good bye, Mollie.  We will miss the wagging tail and the kisses.  We will miss hearing your toenails on the vinyl floor "click, click, click".  We will miss hearing you snore in your bed.  We will miss your sitting in our lap.

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