Tuesday, June 30, 2015


A friend stopped by the campsite last Thursday driving a very unusual vehicle.  A 1953 Panhard convertible.  French manufacture, 2 cylinder, air-cooled, boxer engine up front.  Because of the wheel wells the foot pedals are almost in the middle of the floor and the steering wheel is more to the right than other vehicles.  It was fun to check out the quirky features of this little car.

Tuesday Morning June 30, 2015

Slept in his morning.  Should have gone to water aerobics but decided to lie there until the urge went away.  This is the week of July 4th.  So the crowds are already arriving at the Tallac site and the area.  Driving in South Lake Tahoe this time of year takes a lot of patience.  You do it in the morning and you do it early in the week and NOT on the week-end.
   Last Tuesday R and I went for a drive around the west side of the lake up as far as Tahoe City.  We had a picnic at the vista above Emerald Bay, in my opinion, the prettiest spot on the lake.  We were in luck and found a vehicle leaving a parking spot nearby.  :)

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Sunday Morning

A windy morning.  It reminds me of camping at Cape Blanco.  But it is dangerous here because of the dryness and thus if a fire should start, the danger is in it spreading rapidly through the forest.  It rained a little over a week ago but has been dry and warm since then so the fire sanger is getting higher.  Actually the weather has been ideal.  80's during the day and high 40's at night and lots of sun and blue skies.  The pollen count must be "off the chart" because every surface is yellow.  At the site we are constantly wiping, sweeping and mopping to keep the buildings and decks looking nice.  It is almost a futile endeavor.
    Now that summer is here and the herd of visitors are upon the land, the cell coverage is lousy.  So if I do not get on the computer around 6am, forget it.  It is now 8:11 am so it is too slow to add a photo. 

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Mid- June at Lake Tahoe

Quam and I had a friend visit us on our morning walk down at Taylor Creek.  This female Crested Merganzer is a local.  We see her and her friends nearly everyday.  Woodducks are locals too.

The Rhodies are blooming right now here as well.  They remind me of Oregon.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


On our morning walk along Taylor Creek, Quam and I watched a mother Mergenzer and 7 babies ride the small rapids like ping pong balls trying to stay together.  It was fun for all.

Fire Power

Last night our usual Taco Night at the "Flight Deck" restaurant at the SLT airport was fun as usual.  It was more fun because we had some visitors.  Mel and Charlene and Steve and Barbara were in the area and stopped by for food and hugs.  Lots of smiles all around.

We also were treated to a visit by the Marines.  Two aircraft from Camp Pendleton flew in and parked right in front of the terminal.  Their arrival caused quite a stir.  The pilots were up here to scout out the area for future high altitude training for new rotary wing pilots.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Morning Sunshine

The morning walk with my four-legged friend was long and quiet.  We listened to the birds greeting the day.  We smelled the mountain air.  We explored the smells on the bushes (well, maybe just Quammy noticed those).  The morning sun is cool and pure.  The air has been cooled by the mountains and has not warmed up yet, so a jacket feels really good right now.  Later the thin air of 6300 ft. will allow the sun to warm it to become more comfortable and that;s good too.  But for now, Q and I enjoyed the cool stillness.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Good Bye to a Friend

Friday we said goodbye to a dear friend.  A friend who had lived with us for 10 years; been with us on trips, visited many places, went on many trails,  tramped through miles of woods, walked miles of beaches, and smelled many odorous smells.  But no more.  Friday was the last day for our Mollie. 
After being sick all day, we finally got her into the vet at 3 and after an exam and blood test, we decided that she did not need to suffer any longer and we held her for the last time.

   Good bye, Mollie.  We will miss the wagging tail and the kisses.  We will miss hearing your toenails on the vinyl floor "click, click, click".  We will miss hearing you snore in your bed.  We will miss your sitting in our lap.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Tuesday June 2

Today R and I head south to visit Marilyn and Lee.  They were our neighbors in ORPI and our now campground hosts at a resevoir down by Markleville.  It will be good to see our friends. 

Thursday James the butler comes out of the Pope house to talk to the third graders of South Lake Tahoe.  They come on a school trip near the end of the school year.  James appears using "Magic Dust" and tells them what a servant's life was like in the 1920's.

This is a photo of Mr Pope's 1930 Sea-Lyon Model
45 Triple Cockpit Runabout which he loved dearly.