Tuesday, March 3, 2015

What to say to someone who has saved your life

It's a question I asked myself as we went to the party on Saturday night.  We wondered if we should go.  Would we feel odd not being an NPS ranger or a employee?  It was a "Going Away" for Jeff, the LE (Law Enforcement) Ranger that gave me CPR a month ago and revived me.  As R and I walked into the community area where the party was being held, Jeff appeared.  Unlike in the movies I did nothing extra ordinary; I shook his hand, said thank you and so did my wife and we talked as if we knew each other for months or years.  He then introduced me to his wife, Jessa, and two sons ages three and nine months.  Jessa was polite and chatty until she realized who I was.  "Oh, you are.......! and began to cry and hugged me closely.  "I am so glad to meet you....!"  More hugs and more tears.  Both R and I felt like family.  Jeff even started to tear up as well.  It was a very moving experience for all of us.  Life has many bright spots and that was one of them.

   The party was great!  Lots of food.  Friendly people.  (Law officers letting their hair down.)  A roaring bonfire.  Nice words spoken by friends and associates to reminisce and share and express their admiration and good wishes for a fellow ranger moving to a new challenge at another park.

      Best wishes to you, Jeff and your family.  I will always remember you.

     and by the way,    THANK  YOU, again.


1 comment:

Raindog said...

Thank you! And again, Thank you!