Thursday, January 22, 2015

Wednesday 22, 2015

   Things are progressing here at ORPI.  Both R and I have all of our outlines done for our patio talks and evening programs and are finishing those for the Location Talks and Guided Hikes that start in February.  (More fun things for our visitors to do.)

   The weather has blesses us with lots of sun and warm temps.  Our hike to Victoria Mine on Monday was actually a bit warm. 

    Tonight is the first time I will give my Desert Tortoise program since last spring.  There are a few parts that need work, but I can not update it until we volunteers get access to the computers at the VC.  The Powerpoint program on this laptop is 2003 so it is way behind the times.  I have three videos in my evening program and yesterday when I tried to run it to help refresh my memory, none of the videos ran.  So I will just muddle through and explain, " If you could see this video, you would see a Desert Tortoise hatcing from eggs."  Imaginations are wonderful tools.

   Because we have the eveing program our work day does not start until Noon, but we don't finish up until after 8pm so it makes up for the late start.  Standing up in front of folks does not bother me now.  It is something that I never would have done when I was young.
   Tomorrow, I conduct the van tour in the morning and R will drive the van to shuttle hikers out to the Senita Basin.
  Saturday night we are giving our Vulture program "Meet Me at the Road Kill Cafe"  which is always lots of fun.




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