Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Home.  After 7 months away, we are back home.  I was good to see that it was still standing and none the worst for wear.  OK some of the bushes and trees needed trimming.  The grass in the front yard was a little underwatered, but all-in-all, it looked pretty good.  Our friends have been keeping an eye on it and doing a good job.
   I miss Tallac and the great weather and beautiful location, but most of all I miss the family of friends that we made there.  The sitting around chatting and laughing and telling stories, both real and exagerated.  ORPI is remote and far away.  Tallac is a lot of work. But we go to those places for the people.  We go there because we are all are interested in each other and what is happening in each other's world.   We will go back next year for the companionship and love.

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