Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Mexican Dental - Algodones Part II

The sum of our visit to Mexico for Dental work.

   The work done:  
         2 crowns, one porcelain, one gold
         2 extractions, one for each of us.
         1 root canal
         1 cavity filled
         1 teeth cleaning

     Time;   four trips  probably 8 hours
      Money spent;    $1300 dollars.
      Money saved;    $$$$$$$$

 Would I do it again?
     Yes, definitely.

  Would I do it differently?  
       It would be easier if we had our trailer parked in an RV park nearby so that the commute to and from would not be so long.  Also, allowing time for unforseen circumstances, broken teeth, extra work needed, etc. would be a wise choice also.

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