Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A Big Change Approaching

   R and I have decided to put the house that we have lived in for 23 years, up for sale.  In addition, we are looking to relocate to an area just south of Portland, Canby is our target area.  It is closer to our kids and several old friends, but just out of the metropolitan sprawl and traffic.

   It is not a decision that we made on a lark, for we realized that the amount of work involved is enormous!  I thought of packing and moving 20 years of accumulation is daunting at best.  But we thought that because of various delays that had popped up to prevent us from traveling to Arizona to be volunteeer, the opportunity was being presented to us.  It was as if we were not meant to go south this year and were meant to do this.  And so we begin.......

   Beginning involved finding real estate professionals both here in Eugene and in Canby and we found what we think are good ones in both areas. 

    JM has a list of our search wishes and has shown us several candidates, but the winner has not shown up yet.  Now, as spring gets underway, the number of homes for sales is rising.

    MW has helped us here in Eugene with ideas for marketing our home.   We have painted the guest bedroom, our bedroom, the master bath, the hallway, and almost all of the woodwork.  Last week MW stopped by and gave us guidance on removing the clutter from our place.  The ideas is to make the home appear less crowded and therefore larger.   Also, all personal pictures and knicknacks have been packed.  The lack of pictures allows the perspective buyers to imagine their pictures on the walls as they view the rooms.  It's a good idea but has been a lot of work getting things packed away.  The garage is cluttered with packed boxes, all marked with color-coded tags.  Hopefully it will help on the other end.
  The paperwork gets filled out this Friday and the MLS visit by the realtors of Eugene happens on Wednesday April 3rd.  Wish us luck.  I will keep you posted. 

Mexican Dental - Algodones Part II

The sum of our visit to Mexico for Dental work.

   The work done:  
         2 crowns, one porcelain, one gold
         2 extractions, one for each of us.
         1 root canal
         1 cavity filled
         1 teeth cleaning

     Time;   four trips  probably 8 hours
      Money spent;    $1300 dollars.
      Money saved;    $$$$$$$$

 Would I do it again?
     Yes, definitely.

  Would I do it differently?  
       It would be easier if we had our trailer parked in an RV park nearby so that the commute to and from would not be so long.  Also, allowing time for unforseen circumstances, broken teeth, extra work needed, etc. would be a wise choice also.

Friday, March 8, 2013

We are Back

The Trip is complete.  We safely traveled 3550 miles thanks to my personal driver.  The Prius averaged 43.3 mpg, which is good considering that R has a lead foot.  It was not unusual to glance at the speedometer and see 70 and more displayed, but we made it safe and sound and the car is wondering what happened.  This is the second long road trip we have made with this car and I must say that the car is a great traveler.  It is comfortable, has considerable room (the back seats fold down) and it handles highway speeds with ease.  All that and still getting fabulous gas mileage to boot.  We are quite happy with it.