Thursday, November 29, 2012

Almost December

   It is the 29th of November.  Thanksgiving has come and gone.  Black Friday has come and gone.  Cyber Monday has passed.  Most of the ads featuring "Black Friday Deals" have stopped running on the media.  (Thank Goodness)  The world begins the downhill , ever-steeper slide to the holidays.  Our Christmas, as usual, will be on a day other then Christmas.  The family is getting together at my son's home in Klamath Falls for the first time.  The tricky part of us will be getting the rig over the Cascades in winter.  In less then a month we will be watching the weather closely to see when the roads will be clear on Willamette Pass.  Last year we had to travel down I-5 and over Siskiyou Pass to avoid the storm that had aready made Hwy 58 snow covered and impassable for vehicles with trailers.

    R is subbing today at the preschool where she worked for many years.  Her former teaching partner is going to Hawaii for several weeks and so my wife will get a chance to flex her nurturing muscles again for a couple of weeks.  I hope she is aware of her limitations and remembers what activites she can NOT do.  I do bet she is having a great time though.

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