Saturday, October 13, 2012

Back at Malheur

   First day back at Malheur I was up at 6:30 to walk Mollie.  When we arrived in mid August the sun was already up by six o'clock.  It is now it is Oct 12 and at 6:45 it is just barely getting light.  This morning we were greeted by the rising Moon and its companion Venus welcoming us back.  The ranch was still there.  Somehow the place managed to function without us.  The cows were happy we were back. At least they bellowed a lot when they saw us.  I think it is because I go get some hay from the pasture and throw it over the fence to them every day that we work.

   Our last day on the road was an easy one.  We spent Wednesday afternoon and evening with our friends Vickie and Jeff at their home in Twin Falls.  They took us to Shoshone Falls but I forgot to ake either my phone or our camera.  Ate supper at good Mexican restaurant in downtown Twin.   Thursday morning we left TF after breakfast at Norm's; another place the "locals" call home.  We stopped at the bridge over the Snake River for at least one picture.
    Arrived at the trailer about 4:30 and got the Prius unloaded got our feet up an hour later.  It was good to be home.  

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