Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Back in Eugene

   We are back home.  It is different.  It is the same.  A few businesses have closed or opened since we left in January.  The neighbors are remodeling.  But mostly it is the same. 
    I can feel the humidity difference.  We basically have been in a desert climate since we left and you can feel the difference.  Even on our trip back to Minnesota, it was dry.  The Midwest is in the middle of a drought.  I hope they get lots of snow this winter.
   The rainy season has started here now.  I just checked the thirty day forecast and there may be two days without moisture, but when we arrived home, rains hadn't started yet.  Even then there was a difference once you crossed the Cascades.  Western Oregon feels different.
   R and I have resumed normal activities.  The Sheldon Pool opened on Monday Oct 22nd. after being closed since June for repairs.  Today was our second day back in the water.  It feels good to be back excercising. 
   Busy day today.  Spinning group at noon.  Then three errands to accomplish while I am over in the northwest part of Eugene.  Winco, Jerry's, and the RV store.   Better get to it.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Last Day at Malheur

   Yesterday was our last day at the Sodhouse Ranch.  We had no visitors which was good because we had a lot of work to do to get the ranch prepared for closure.   Tables were covered with plastic.  Chairs were stacked on top of them.  Antiques were packed in totes and brought back to the headquarters for storage.  In addition, fences were erected and gates closed to help prevent cow from trampling the ranch area.  Cows are not allowed on the premises, but it seems that a few strays always seem to figure out a way to get in.  It was after 5pm when we got back to the headquarters, but we were done.

   Last night was the first good rain this area has had since before June.  It rained most of the night.  This morning I slept in until 7:30 before taking Mollie out for her walk.  As I started our walk I noticed the sunrise and the great cloud structure.  It was worth a picture.

   As Mollie and I headed out I turned to the west and these clouds warned us of what was coming.
 What was coming was a freight train.  Dark black cloud, high wind, and heavy rain.  The freight train passed over the trailer in about fifteen minutes.  Now the sun is back, but the high wind remains.

Tomorrow we travel back to Eugene.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Cattails in October

Now that it is Fall the cattails have turned a most rich golden color.
  A nice contrast to the sky.

Back at Malheur

   First day back at Malheur I was up at 6:30 to walk Mollie.  When we arrived in mid August the sun was already up by six o'clock.  It is now it is Oct 12 and at 6:45 it is just barely getting light.  This morning we were greeted by the rising Moon and its companion Venus welcoming us back.  The ranch was still there.  Somehow the place managed to function without us.  The cows were happy we were back. At least they bellowed a lot when they saw us.  I think it is because I go get some hay from the pasture and throw it over the fence to them every day that we work.

   Our last day on the road was an easy one.  We spent Wednesday afternoon and evening with our friends Vickie and Jeff at their home in Twin Falls.  They took us to Shoshone Falls but I forgot to ake either my phone or our camera.  Ate supper at good Mexican restaurant in downtown Twin.   Thursday morning we left TF after breakfast at Norm's; another place the "locals" call home.  We stopped at the bridge over the Snake River for at least one picture.
    Arrived at the trailer about 4:30 and got the Prius unloaded got our feet up an hour later.  It was good to be home.  

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Trip West (Day 2)

   Day two.  Cold and cloudy in the morning.  39 degrees. Wind continued as we traveled west on
 I-80.   Sprinkles and showers until we crossed the pass between Cheyenne and Larame. 

    Spotted in Gothenburg, NE for gas.  Visited the Pony Express Museum.  Also found out that Frito Lay has a large plant in town.  Any corn chip west of the Mississippi has flavoring from Gothenburg.

We passed through Sidney, NE and noticed a building stating,  "World Headquarters of Cabelas"

    Traveling west on I-80 from Omaha to Sidney you are traveling from the Midwest to the West;  From farm land to ranch land;  From metropolitan to rural to nearly desserted. From Central Time to Mountain Time .

    I-80 in Wyoming involves long stretches of open road up and down.  Semi trucks are visible in the distance like clipper ships moving in lines across the landscape.

The Trip Back West (Day 1)

   Monday we left Fairmont and started our trip back west.  We detoured to the town of Wesbrook to say good-bye to an aunt and then Hwy 60 which heads southwest to Sioux City.  The temp was 46 and the wind was biting and at least 30 mph.  We were in clouds and sprinkles until late afternoon  when the sun came out and the temp went up.  We stopped for the night in Kearney, NE 547 miles later.
   The road kill count for day one was:  two deer, nine racoons, five skunks, and five bodies too smashed to indentify.  Crossing the road is definately dangerous.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Another cold day in October

Saturday Oct 6, 2012

    Another cold day.  It's hard to believe that only a few days ago it was in the 80s and today it did not even get to 50.  The wind seemed to drill right through you.  The trees have turned to mostly browns and greys.  The leaves were so dry that most of them have turned to yellow granules instead of lying loosely in piles.
   Today we rode with R's sister and husband down to the tiny town of Buffalo Center, Iowa.  Other than the excitement of visiting a new town, we went there to shop at Weavers Shoe Store.  This place is the reason people come to this village of 963.  For the shoes.  The shoe store has been in the family for three generations with the forth generation (two sons) working in the store.  
    The store has more shoes and shoe styles than stores in major cities in any state.  We traveled, we shopped and we purchased three pairs of shoes for R,  plus some polish and a pair of laces.  It was worth the trip.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Summer is over

It's Thursday Oct 4th

  We have left Mankato and are now in Fairmont which is about 50 miles south.  My wife spent her high school years in Fairmont and her sister still lives here.
   Yesterday you needed to run the A/C in the car.  Today the heater will be needed.  80's yesterday 50's today. Cold wind blowing the yellow-brown leaves along the ground.   Summer is definitely over!