Monday, August 8, 2011

Yesterday Sunday 8/7/11

Busy day at FOVA.  A wedding on a grassy area with nearby evergreens.  The area was set up when I got to work at 9am.  The ceremony was at 2pm and the area was back to its original state by 5pm.  The transformations in this park are amazing.
  Sunday, a Concourse de Elegance ( which means a fancy car show) was staged on the grass of Officers Row.  Officers Row is a row of about fifteen homes that were built in the 1880s by the Army for their officers.  They have been restored and belong to the city of Vancouver.   Most of them are rented out to businesses, but one (the Grant  House) is a restaurant and the other (the Marshall House) is open for tours week-days and used for parties and weddings on weekends.
  As I walked the girls early sunday morning, cars were arriving and concessions were being set up.  All day long folks came and went to view the beautiful automobles and by 6pm the visitors were gone, the cars were gone, the concessionaires were gone, and just a few folks remained to complete the final clean up.  This morning, the only trace of the event was some pressed down grass in certain areas.  Another successful event came and went.

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