Monday, June 20, 2011

An enjoyable Saturday

Saturday was spent at the firehouse in Langlois, Or.  Wow! you say, but it was fun.  Wild Rivers Wool hosts a monthly spinning day there.  I paid a one-time fee of $20 two years ago for the session and all others are free.  Besides a free lunch, the day is spent spinning with other fober people from the area.  The owners of Wild Rivers Wool Factory in Langlois sponsor it and host it.  In addition to the lunch, Cindy and Sandy provide, a large amount of batts of wool, and other fiber (depending upon what is available) I came back with a batt of llama in adition to several different colors of wool. 
  The morning is spent with drop spindles.  Those who haven't tried one, it can be a humbling experience.  I was lucky and was trained by a fellow volunteer, Jan, when we were at Malheur a couple of  years ago.  It is her fault that I now have two looms and one spinning wheel.
  After lunch we broke out our wheels and started spinning.  Most of the group had not ever seen a whell like my Wee Spin.  A couple had seen it at the Black Sheep Rally.  Luckily it worked fine the whole day.
 Most of the spinners were using a wheel made by Spin O Lution.  It is a very nive wheel.  It would like to have one but they are $800.  It spins very smoothly and requires very little foot movement.  Maybe some day.

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