Thursday, June 10, 2010


We are back at home. In Oregon. First impressions; GREEN ! Green trees, green grass, green hills, green campers parked in driveways, mossy green sidewalks. It is SO different from the country that we have been in for many months. One is no more beautiful than the other, just totally different. We've been home three days and already I'm tired of the clouds. I'm ready for some sun. The weather guy says that tomorrow will be better with a good chance of sun for the week-end. It would be nice for sure. An email from a fellow volunteer at at Gila said that it has been in the 90's back there. I am not sorry to miss that. With the altitude and low humidity there, the nights do cool down into the 40's and 50's so great for sleeping, etc.

Also we found out that the New Mexico Highway Department came in this week and poured several truckloads of rock into the abyss on Hwy 15 and in four hours had re-opened the bridge on the road into the cliff dwellings that has been closed since the second week in January. Hurray for them! I know it's only a patch job, but it will be good to have the road open again.

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