Monday, May 24, 2010

Burned and Blonde

Burned and Blonde”

R is baking cookies. Yum! She wants to make cookies for friends and staff here at GICL to say “good bye” and “thank you”. So she is making chocolate chip and peanut butter blossom cookies. It’s a good thing. Understand that baking with an RV oven is not like baking at home. Getting even heat throughout the oven is nearly impossible. We have tried several things to improve performance. We use the air filled baking sheets. We put an unglazed tile on the bottom shelf to help diffuse the heat. To make matters even worse, the oven likes to go off in the middle of a project which does not help. So getting even baking continues to be a challenge.

So here we are baking cookies to give away. That means only the ones good enough to give away make it to the plates to pass out. And the over-done and under-done ones….( “the burned and the blonde”).. I get !! J

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