Saturday, April 10, 2010

Bud Light is the beer of choice for litterers

"8 out of 10 Litter Throwers prefer Bud Light"

Yes sir, Ladies and Gentlemen, in an independently conducted survey of litter picked up on a 7 mile section of Hwy 15 it was determined that 8 out of 10 litter throwers prefer Bud Light to any other beverage. The survey was conducted on Friday morning 3/02/10 between the hours of 8am and noon along the east side of the highway. (There was so much trash to pick up that the west side of the same road will have to be done at a later date.) R and I volunteered to do the pick up in lieu of our regular duties for the morning. Because we are working at a government facility, training was involved. The one hour session, included how to erect the “cleaning crew ahead” signs, how to attach the magnetic flashing light bar to the top of the van, how to bungee-cord the right side door so that it remained in the open position while we drove, and so on. (All of which were really important and highly technical subjects)

The task went well, but took longer than we and, I think they, thought it would. This was the first time this year it had been done and we, being the conscientious ones that we are, did a thorough job. We filled two large black plastic bags full of someone else’s trash. The oddest item I found was a printer cartridge. Most of the items were aluminum cans of the aforementioned product. At least it appears that the litter donators were trying to watch their waistlines.

I don’t understand littering. How difficult is it to throw your crap into a trash? Animals don’t know any better. People should.

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