Sunday, March 28, 2010

Here are a couple of random pictures of the area.

An early morning up at the cliff dwellings before any visitors show up. It's a time to listen to Mother Nature. The sound of the creek below in the canyon. To the birds signing in the trees near and far. The wind as it flows around you like a stream.

A day down by the Gila River about a half mile from where our
trailer is parked. Here the Gila has combined the West and Middle Fork and is
about to add the East Fork before it turns west and heads for Arizona.

Nature's interesting curves. An interesting bit of nature on the hike up to the cliff dwelings. Gnarled but still alive.

A visit to the goat ranch nearby. I was told that these are destined to be meat goats. Can't say that I have ever eaten goat. Are these kids cute or what?

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