Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Fire Flies

Have you ever been in the Midwest or South on a summer night? If so, you will remember fireflies or, as we called them, lightening bugs. I have included a link to tell you all about them, but the best way to experience them to walk outside after dark. It has been a long time since I have been back to the midwest in the summer and seeing them once again was a warm greeting. They remind me of watching an active campfire and having an ember occasionally drift up from the flames. They are all around you and yet you only see them when they glow. The other night we were driving in the country and lightning bugs filled the ditches on both sides of the road. I hated to do it, but I did hit some as we drove along. The glow would stay on the windshield for a few seconds after the bug became a smear. They are a summer evening.

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