Monday, July 6, 2009

Leaving the Oregon Coast

Monday 7/6/09.

Today is our last day at the Oregon Coast. We have been within a few miles of the ocean since the last couple of days of May and it time to head home. Time to rub the moss off our backs. Time to wash the salt spray off the trailer and truck. Time to return to our home base to take care of some mundane details (doctor and dentist appointments, vehicle servicing, clothes washing, etc.) to get us ready to head out on our next adventure that will keep us out of town until the middle of October.

As I reflect on the days past, I can only smile as I remember the good times and great views we have enjoyed. We have met some great people from all over. We even had a couple from SC that we met in Canyon de Chelly stop by to see us. Overall, the stay at Cape Blanco was excellent. The area is spectacular, the job was fun and easy, and the time went by too quickly. The campground at Cape Blanco State Park is one of the finest in the Oregon State Park system with maybe two demerits. The sewer dump is closed indefinitely due to ground water failure which is something that should be addressed. The other slight item is the wind. Being the near western-most point on the continental United States, makes it frequently subject to windy conditions. Bandon is windy, Blanco is WINDY. Our first two weeks there, however, were greeted with calm conditions. The ocean was like a huge lake, with hardly a wave. But the last weeks made up for it. We even closed the lighthouse to tours one day because the winds were 40 with gust to 55mph. Those conditions made it unsafe for folks to walk and open car doors, etc.

One of the things we really enjoyed about the state park campground were the abundance and variety of the flora and fauna. Lots of greenery and flowers everywhere. Rabbits and chickarees running to and fro. Birds flitting here and there filling the air with their songs. And the hummingbirds! (Allens, I think) We put up a feeder the day we arrived and we had a visitor within the first hour. From then on they put on an aerial show for us every day. As we travel around this summer, the hummingbird feeder will be one of the first things I put out when we arrive at out campsite each night.

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