Sunday, March 8, 2009

Looking for Petroglyphs I

Today was our first day of the week, Sunday. We met with a park ranger and several other volunteers to discuss our next program assigment. March is Archeology and Heritage Month in Arizona. AT many locations throughout the state, events are planned to expand on this theme. PFNP is no exception. Last Saturday three events went on. A Zuni jewelry maker demonstrated his wares at PDI. Jay, the park archeologist demonstrated napping in the headquarters plaza . It was very interesting. In the afternoon, he led a walk out of the south visitor center to an area just north that houses several Basketmaker III building sites and many petroglyphs. I will attach some pictures when I get them from my neighbor. His camera was working. Mine wasn't.

So getting back to the story, R ( the ranger) wanted to show us a new area where we might take visitors to see some petroglyphs that they would normally see. So we drove to Puerco Pueblo. It is an area that I have talked about before. Some good "pets" are there so I was anxious to see what was hidden. We parked in the parking lot and walked, following the old CCC road around to the back. After a short hike, we were pleased to see many cool offerings. I'm sure, with more time, some more could be found. You will notice that one of the panels demonstrates that the Pueblo people had Dachsunds. ( or at least I think thats what they look like).

Tomorrow R & I explore another area. I like the attitude of this park about exploring. There are specific areas that are off limits. Otherwise, as long as you can park your vehicle safely, you can explore, just don't deface and steal. As one park sign I have seen before says, "Take only pictures, leave only footprints".

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