Saturday, February 7, 2009

Petrified Forest National Park

Sunday Feb 1, 2009 - April _____, 2009

After a long hard pull 125 miles from Phoenix (at about 1100 f) to Flagstaff (at 7000 feet). The truck was like the little engine that could but it made it. There was still snow on the ground around Flag. We fueled up, had lunch and headed east on I-40. It's about 115 miles to PFNP and we arrived at the gate about 3:45. By 5ish, we were parked, plugged in, and putting stuff away. I even had a chance to catch the second half of the Super Bowl at the rec room. The headquarters area consists of basically a campus with several housing areas and an office area, maintenance area, and the visitor center. There was a school here at one time.,but the kids now are bussed to Holbrook (25 miles).
After a day of rest on Monday, we started work. Tuesday consisted of driving in a van with 7 people up and down the park road checking out most of the turn outs. Wed, Thurs & Friday were training days. The National Park Service is, of course, a government agency so certain things have to be c0vered. There were 8 of us in the group. Part of the training was in how to give a presentation. In was very good info. It will help us here as well as future sites we will be working. Next week more training.

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