Monday, November 27, 2023

Dawn in Nevada

This morning as the sun came up, the moon was setting.  In Goldfield, Nevada it looked like this.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Sights and sounds of fall

Fall is not my favorite time of year.  Summer is over . It getting colder.  The rain has started.
  There are a few good parts.  The fall colors are great, especially the Maples and Sweet Gums.  But my all time favorite song of fall comes from the sky.  The Canada Geese are gathering for their annual migration south.  For several weeks the skies are filled with strings of birds, honking to each other.  
The Call of the Wild.

Monday, November 13, 2023

Homemade decorations

Here's my latest holiday decoration.  I had some cedar fence boards and an idea.  It changed several times during the building process.  Currently it looks like this.

Four greyhounds and Nigel in the back seat

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Fall at Canby Community Park

The boys and I had a nice walk.  Sunshine and blue skies for the first time in a week.  Great reflections.  Lots of ducks including Wood Ducks on the pond.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023


Fall has fallen heavily.  Cool temps, lots of rain, leaves falling everywhere.  Only flowers are fall Mum's.  
Not so !  Our Clematis still has five blossoms.  Scraggly looking but still hanging on.  This is the second set of flowers.  There are actually three varieties on this trellis.  All three were blooming at the same time this summer.  We had never had the abundance of flowers before.  
  Hang on little bits of color.  Hang on.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Hosta in the Fall

Hostas are great outdoor plants here in Oregon.  They do well in shady conditions.  Now they "dying back" for fall.  I cut all the leaves and piled them on top for the winter.  Before I cut the last one I took this photo.