Thursday, February 23, 2023

Thinking Back

The day after Labor Day Sept 2011  This is the rig in line to load unto the ferry at Anacortes, WA.  We are on the way to volunteer at San Juan Island National Historic Site


 Pincushion Cacti are tiny.  They hide under bushes and in tall grasses.  You will walk right past them without knowing.  You need to keep your eyes open as you move along.  It is always a good idea to watch where you are stepping when you are in the desert.  It's easy to stumble or trip and you do not want to fall into a cactus.  You might damage it and it might damage you.  You also need to watch out for desert animals, especially the reptiles.  They are afraid of you, but they will react if they think they are being threatened.  That being said, the desert is fantastically beautiful place to wander.  It will take your breath away.

Notice the tiny red flowers

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Winter Weather at BTA

 Tuesday Night was interesting.  Winds from the south 25-30 mph.  Rain that turned to sleet that turned back to rain.  It made the morning walk quite unique.  Picket Post Mt. was white.  The plants were white.  Branches were hanging low with thw weight of the frozen moisture.

Hopefully the flora will not be damaged too much.  It sure was beautiful.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Greetings Earthlings


We have been watching you strange Earth creatures for many years .  Hiding in plain sight.  It may be time to make ourselves known.  It seems that you do not know how to live on this planet without destroying it.   We will soon arrive to teach you a lesson or two,

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Hoop Dancing

 Hoop Dancing is an art that was demonstrated at the Gold Canyon Art show last Saturday.    The young man is of Apache heritage.  His skill was amazing, handling up to 7 hoops at the same time while dancing.   I would have trouble with one.

Monday, February 6, 2023


 Spring is just around the corner.  ( I hope)  The weather seems to be warming up.  There are many visitors coming every day and more on the week-ends.  The most asked question is, "When will there be flowers to see?"  The flowers will come.  As spring progresses, flowers will come.  Below you will see the beginning

This Prickly Pear is showing promise.  come back in two weeks to see what happens.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Are We There Yet?


I'm tired. Can I just lay here for a while?