Monday, November 21, 2022

Be careful using a logsplitter

    Last Tuesday I helped a friend split some logs into firewood.  We rented a professional grade log splitter.  It is a powerful, but dangerous tool.  We were doing fine until I got my finger in the wrong place.  After a couple of hours at Urgent Care, I "single-Handedly " help him complete the task.

It's interesting that my middle finger has assumed the roll of the index finger since the accident and is helping me button and snap and even typing on the keyboard.

I get the stitches out on Friday after Thanksgiving but will remain bandaged and in the splint for at least another week.  Also Friday we begin our trek to Arizona.  

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Snow At Night

It's that time of year.
My son took this on the road near Prineville, OR a few nights ago.


Sunday, November 6, 2022


 It has arrived.   Early   Snow in the mountains and the passes.  Cold temps here in the valley.  I think that it maybe got to 50 today.  And LOTS of rain.  and Wind.  It reminds me of why we head south in three weeks.  Ugly weather, but that's why Oregon is so green.  Grass, trees, moss.....

  I'm ready to go,  Randa too.  The trailer is more or less ready.  Truck needs and oil change and possibly transmission.  Then there's the loading, but we can't do the food yet.  

   Hopefully the snow level will subside so that the pass highway is safe.  If not, we wait.

   Now we start planning for next summer.  Coast ?  Bonneville?  Somewhere else? 

  In the meantime, here is a photo I took this summer at the Newport Acquarium.