Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Ocean

Randa and I love the ocean.  Always have since I was stationed at Camp Lejune many many moons ago.  We love the sandy beaches.  We love the rocky coasts, especially if the waves are crashing on them.  A storm makes it even better!

  Next year we will get more time near the water.
June we are spending a week-end with old friends at Vashon Island in Washington.
July the Weber family is spending four days at a beach house in the Walport/Yachats area.
August and September Randa and I are volunteering at Cape Blanco State Park near Port Orford, Or.    One of the most beautiful places on earth.

Yippee ! 

This morning walk

I slept in today.  Didn't look at the clock until 7:30.  So the dogs and I were out walking a little before 8.  It wasn't as dark.  More like 6ish this summer, except for the colors.

Mt Hood looked good in silhouette.

The trees at the elementary school looked good in the morning light. 

Close up                                               and                 afar.                                                 

Monday, October 23, 2017


Breakfast on Sunday was special.  Swedish Momma, Apple Chicken Sausage.  Fresh Fruit and Apple Sauce.  Yumm !!

Saturday, October 14, 2017


My morning walk with the boys brought us interesting views.  35 this morning.  It was eerie but exciting watching the play of fog and sunlight as visibility improved.

Sol peeking through the trees
I have never seen a fog rainbow.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Washington State Capitol

Yesterday we visited friends on Olympia, Washington.  Took some time to explore the old town area.  
The state capitol was one of the stops.

This is looking up into the dome.  Lots of marble. 
 Five types of marble but most of it was from Alaska. 

The House of Representatives meets in this room.
The Legal Building

The waterfront is not far away.  You can see the capitol dome in the background.  It was a nice day for a stroll.


Seen on a local business: