Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Spring Break

Spring Break is good.  In the past it meant we had time to travel; when the kids were still at home it was camping somewhere.  When the kids were gone, it meant a trip to the desert to get a bit of sunshine.  This year it means a trip to the desert for our grand-daughter to visit the desert and us!  A very good thing. 
    It was good to see her at the airport yesterday.  When we got home last afternoon we went for a walk around the residential area and on that walk see saw a lizard, a gopher snake, and two Harris's Hawks.  "Little E" brings good luck with her.  Her luck continued today when we had a brief (very brief ) sprinkle of raindrops.  Quite an occasion in the desert.

Wolf Berry


Another Arizona Sunset

Ancient Wind

Power from a previous era.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


We are spending a few day in the big city visiting an old friend.  This area of Scottsdale is definitely an upscale area.  Besides big houses with fancy landscaping, seeing exotic cars is not that unusual.  On the way to a luncheon spot today we traveled next to a pretty black Ferrari coupe.  No time for photos unfortunately.  Lunch was grand.

Tuesday March 11. 2014

Ten days have passed since my last post.  Time goes by fast when you are having fun and busy.  I gave my first patio talk on the Javelina yesterday.  It went pretty well considering it was my first time on this subject.  I did quite a bit of reading on the Javelina to get ready and found many interesting facts. 
    The Collared Peccary is found only in Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico.  It is NOT a pig but the baby is still called a piglet.  The piglet is able to run with its mom within two hours of birth.  Kinda cute aren't they?

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Guess What Program we are giving tonight ?

King Vulture
Andean Condor
Yellow Headed Vulture

Califonia Condor

Turkey Vulture
Black Vulture