"M C "are letters that you will see on small yellow signs with an arrow on them that are posted around the Burns area. A movie is being filmed in this area and it is an exciting deversion for a small town. Star sitings are being discussed at coffee shops and grocery stores. It does give the locals something to talk about besides the weather and hunting. Featured in the film are Bruce Greenwood, Michelle Williams, and Will Patton. My wife and I had lunch and the local deli and Bruce Greenwood and another cast member sat at the table next to us. If you have seen the new Star Trek movie, he was Captain Pike. His voice gave him away even before I saw him.
The MC signs are posted at road junctions to give directions to the filming locations for the cast and crew. The name of the movie right now is "Meeks Cutoff". It is the story of an 1845 wagon train of 200 wagons led by Stephen Meeks, who tried to find a short cut that deviated from the well used Oregon Trail, traveling through central Oregon, over the Cascades and into the Williamette Valley. The route turned out to be a long and dry route that did not live up to Meeks promises. The result was many days of
being lost with little food or water and many fatalities tallied along the way. http://www.historicoregoncity.org/HOC/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=123&Itemid=75option=com_content&view=article&id=123&Itemid=75option=com_content&view=article&id=123&Itemid=75
Several scenes for the movie were filmed on the refuge and many more in the surrounding areas. The film crew has been exposed to warm days and cool nights early in the filming and now that fall is here, cool days and cold nights are the order of the day. The flora, fuana, and dust have not changed much since 1845 as it is still a harsh and unforgiving place.
The MC signs are posted at road junctions to give directions to the filming locations for the cast and crew. The name of the movie right now is "Meeks Cutoff". It is the story of an 1845 wagon train of 200 wagons led by Stephen Meeks, who tried to find a short cut that deviated from the well used Oregon Trail, traveling through central Oregon, over the Cascades and into the Williamette Valley. The route turned out to be a long and dry route that did not live up to Meeks promises. The result was many days of
Several scenes for the movie were filmed on the refuge and many more in the surrounding areas. The film crew has been exposed to warm days and cool nights early in the filming and now that fall is here, cool days and cold nights are the order of the day. The flora, fuana, and dust have not changed much since 1845 as it is still a harsh and unforgiving place.
We had the opportunity to meet the location manager and received an incite into the happenings going on around us. We were welcome to be there and observe the filming, but to be aware enoiugh to stay out of the way and to remain quiet during the actual filming. As for the filming, it was nearly completed. All that remained was several nights of shooting get done.
The oxen had been shipped back to where ever they came from and the only animals remaining were a donkey and a mule. There was still and representative from the ASPCA on site to keep watch. There is a rep there whenever animals are present so that the certification, " no animal has been harmed in the filming.........." can be displayed during the movie credits.
So after and hour of conversation, we walked over to the filming site. It was the last night for Bruce Greenwood as he has another film commitment beginning in a few days. The scene we observed was Stphen Meeks ( Bruce Greenwood) lying on the ground, musing about the meaning of life or something like that. There was no dialogue, no motion. It had all the excitement and drama of watching paint dry. But they all can't be fight scenes, I guess. It was fun and interesting just being there. A little bit of Hollywood in Harney County.